
Showing posts from November, 2017

Uber drivers the focus of class action suit alleging sexual assault

Netflix finds that people who stream steamy scenes on the train aren’t usually embarrassed about it

How to Get Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

Periscope Data launches unified platform for data warehousing and analytics

Cuba: Human Rights Activists Are ‘Disappeared’

Stripe joins $93 million investment in U.K. banking startup Monzo

40 Years Of Simon, The Electronic Game That Never Stops Reinventing Itself

Dropbox partners with Autodesk to help users collaborate on large design files

IBM beefs up its AI credentials with Power9 systems and new software

Skyscanner acquires London’s Twizoo, a platform that scrapes user reviews from Twitter

YouTube adds concert listings to music videos

Amazon’s Black Friday deals start on November 17th, with Echo devices and TV sales

How to Edit, Remix Video in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

Facebook Has Finally Opened The Door To Admitting Russia Meddled In Brexit

2017 Amazon Kindle Oasis review: Better than paper and waterproof too Review

Motorola is making tablets again for some reason

Inside One iOS App Developer’s Quest To Get Onstage At Apple’s WWDC

Embark's semi-autonomous trucks are hauling Frigidaire appliances

Nobody Listens To The Media? These Scholars Say Otherwise

VC Steve Jurvetson On Leave From Tesla And SpaceX Boards Following Sexual Harassment Investigation

"Supercomputing for all" with AMD EPYC

Airbus is ready to test its self-flying taxi

Meet The Skeleton Crew Of Data Experts Behind The Paradise Papers Leak

Google will issue an update to fix unresponsive spots on the Pixel 2 XL’s touchscreen

Deutsche Telekom:

Recommended Reading: Trust your gut

You can now purchase the beautiful maps from Lev Grossman’s Magicians trilogy

3 Times You Should Say Yes To Office Happy Hour

iPhone X

Hasbro reportedly offered to buy Mattel


Ohio State had a bit of fun at Apple’s expense during today’s game against MSU

This 3D-Printing Lab Is Iowa’s Entry Into A $140 Billion Industry

Meet the People Who Listen to Podcasts at Super-Fast Speeds

Watch: This hypnotic robotic manta ray glides through water silently

George Takei is ‘shocked and bewildered’ at sexual assault claims

This Women’s-Only Networking App Aims To Build A Community Of Support

Yoti aims to provide everyone with a biometric digital identity that works via a smartphone app

7 new trailers you should watch this week

“Smear Campaign” Or Not, Tech Investor Shervin Pishevar Really Was Arrested Earlier This Year

WA government awards research grant for investigation of internet-connected toys

Sony will sell a PlayStation 4 for $200 on Black Friday

Alibaba’s Singles’ Day sale amassed $25.3 billion, doubling 2016 Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales combined

With A Humbler Evan Spiegel, Snap May Be Getting The CEO It Needs

'Dance with flARmingos' in a mixed reality mating ritual

Listen to music made to the rhythm of global warming

Microsoft has teamed up with LinkedIn to help fix your resume

Court finds Meriton fiddled with email address to avoid bad reviews

One side of this material can make you cool, the other side warm

This Time, Facebook Is Sharing Its Employees’ Data